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My motivation to start NOB Foundation was inspired by two things: my sister Matilda, who is a sickle cell warrior, along with my own experiences growing up in Ghana. I witnessed the challenges that she and others faced and continue to face in gaining access to timely and quality healthcare resources.
As a healthcare provider, my mission has always been to “empower every patient to live a life determined by their dreams and not their disease”. For most patients, especially those living in under-resourced communities, such a life dream can seem far-fetched because they are often seen as the “afterthoughts”. They are unfortunately the last to receive any care and support because the communities they live in are already resource-constrained. That is why I am inspired as the founder of NOB Foundation to give our “afterthoughts” one less thing to worry about. My vision for our work and impact is built on SUPPORTING, EDUCATING and COLLABORATING for a greater good for our “afterthoughts”.
We primarily SUPPORT our sickle cell warriors in need with FREE life saving medicines, food items and essential aid. Secondarily, we provide EDUCATION to help de-stigmatize sickle cell disease while providing testing resources to improve sickle cell trait and genotype awareness. An undeniable fact is that, the communities that our sickle cell beneficiaries live in are not devoid of other healthcare challenges and we know we can’t do it all but we can do our part. With my extensive experiences in community engagement and partnerships, I can attest to the tremendous value in joining forces for a greater good. That is why we live by our mission of “leaving No One Behind”, and COLLABORATE with local non-profits on aligned healthcare initiatives to expand our reach and impact in the communities we serve.
NOB Foundation was officially launched on December 13, 2019 which is Matilda’s birthday as a way of celebrating her and honoring what got me started in healthcare. It is her resilience that fuels my purpose of being a patient advocate first and creating actionable and sustainable solutions for patients and communities regardless of their medical condition, socio-economic status, or any background identities. I envision a world where healthcare can be a right and not a privilege and while on this journey, we leave No One Behind by also including those in need the most.
Overall, we are very grateful for the opportunities that our programs, outreach events and collaborations continue to provide for our beneficiaries because Together we are making health care accessible to all, leaving No One Behind!